96 research outputs found

    Framework for Product Lifecycle Management integration in Small and Medium Enterprises networks

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    In order to improve the performance of extended enterprises, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) must be integrated into the extended networks. This integration must be carried out on several levels which are mastered by the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). But, PLM is underdeveloped in SMEs mainly because of the difficulties in implementing information systems. This paper aims to propose a modeling framework to facilitate the implementation of PLM systems in SMEs. Our approach proposes a generic model for the creation of processes and data models. These models are explained, based on the scope and framework of the modeling, in order to highlight the improvements provided

    Generic PLM system for SMEs: Application to an equipment manufacturer

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    For several years, digital engineering has increasingly taken a more important place in the strategic issues of mechanical engineering companies. Our proposition is an approach that enables technical data to be managed and used throughout the product life-cycle. This approach aims to provide assistance for costing, development and industrialization of the product, and for the capitalization, the reuse and the extension of fundamental knowledge. This approach has been experimented within several companies. This paper presents the case in a company environment that designs and produces families of ship equipment parts

    STEP-NC based optimization and smart industrialization of NC machining in the context of the factory of the future

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    L'article propose un nouveau concept pour assurer le retour d'information depuis les Machines-Outils à Commandes Numériques vers les systÚmes FAO et la simulation d'usinage. Le but principal de la proposition est de gérer les connaissances d'usinage extraites de la machine pour les réutiliser au niveau de la simulation d'usinage et ainsi fournir une aide à la décision pour la réalisation de futur programme d'usinage. Pour assurer la capitalisation des connaissances d'usinage, la proposition s'appuie sur une structure basée sur les entités d'usinage. Bien que la structure du standard STEP-NC permette l'exploitation d'une telle structure, son utilisation est impossible du fait de sa faible implémentation. C'est pourquoi la proposition se base sur la chaßne numérique actuelle et propose une reconnaissance des entités d'usinage directement depuis les fichiers STL extrait de la simulation d'usinage et propose une conversion des programmes de Code-G en STEP-NC. Cela permet alors d'interagir avec l'implémentation d'OntoSTEP-NC, une ontologie basée sur STEP-NC, comme base de connaissance

    Gestion et réutilisation des données de simulation : vers une approche de vérification et validation des modÚles

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    Dans l'industrie, le temps alloué au processus de simulation est souvent concentré sur la phase de prétraitement. Afin de diminuer le temps consacré à cette phase, il est important de réutiliser autant que possible les modÚles numériques. Dans un contexte d'entreprise étendue et de gestion du cycle de vie des produits (PLM), ces modÚles proviennent de différents partenaires et sont créés à partir d'outils généralement hétérogÚnes. Dans un but de réutilisation, il est essentiel de capitaliser les données et informations de simulation dans un format neutre, structuré, commun et standardisé. Basé sur une combinaison de l'approche de la gestion du cycle de vie des simulations (SLM) et de la méthodologie Vérification & Validation (V&V), ce travail de recherche propose une démarche favorable à la réutilisation des modÚles de simulation numérique

    Current results of the PERSEE testbench: the cophasing control and the polychromatic null rate

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    Stabilizing a nulling interferometer at a nanometric level is the key issue to obtain deep null depths. The PERSEE breadboard has been designed to study and optimize the operation of a cophased nulling bench in the most realistic disturbing environment of a space mission. This presentation focuses on the current results of the PERSEE bench. In terms of metrology, we cophased at 0.33 nm rms for the piston and 80 mas rms for the tip/tilt (0.14% of the Airy disk). A Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control coupled with an unsupervised vibration identification allows us to maintain that level of correction, even with characteristic vibrations of nulling interferometry space missions. These performances, with an accurate design and alignment of the bench, currently lead to a polychromatic unpolarised null depth of 8.9E-6 stabilized at 3E-7 on the [1.65-2.45] \mum spectral band (37% bandwidth).Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, proceedings of the Optics+Photonics SPIE conference, San Diego, 201

    Mechanical recycling of polylactide, upgrading trends and combination of valorization techniques

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    The upcoming introduction of polylactides in the fractions of polymer waste encourages technologists to ascertain its valorization at the best quality conditions. Mechanical recycling of PLA represents one of the most cost-effective methodologies, but the recycled materials are usually directed to downgraded applications, due to the inherent thermomechanical degradation affecting its mechanical, thermal and rheological performance. In this review, the current state of mechanical recycling of PLA is reported, with special emphasis on a multi-scale comparison among different studies. Additionally, the applications of physical and chemical upgrading strategies, as well as the chances to blend and/ or composite recycled PLA are considered. Moreover, the different valorization techniques that can be combined to optimize the value of PLA goods along its life cycle are discussed. Finally, a list of different opportunities to nurture the background of the mechanical recycling of PLA is proposed, in order to contribute to the correct waste management of PLA wastes

    A Constraints Driven Product Lifecycle Management Framework

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThe management of the product information during its lifecycle is a strategic issue for the industry. In this paper, a constraints driven framework is proposed to create and manage the product information. The method proposes to each actor that intervenes on the product life cycle to act on the quote, the development or the industrialisation of the product. From each phase of the product lifecycle, the extraction, capitalisation and reuse of fundamental knowledge is coordinated by a generic meta-model. This paper explains this approach through experiments in three different SMEs of the mechanical industry.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Cadre de modélisation pour les systÚmes PLM en entreprise étendue. Application aux PME mécaniciennes.

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    In this thesis, we are interested in engineering information management on the whole product lifecycle and through the extended enterprise. The application area is the implementation of information system support to PLM in mechanical SME. The goal is the improvement the PLM implementation by two contributions, on one hand a modeling method and on the other hand a meta-model. With this intention we propose an inductive enterprise modeling method based on the needs. This method takes into account the enterprise needs, the process to realize those needs and the data model to be implemented. It was used into tree different early adopters SME from three distinct domains of mechanical industry. A framework has been designed to make easier the implementation of this method. It includes a map of needs, a product development process model and a data generic model. Each of these deliverables get three levels of genericity: a generic level, encompassing all the enterprise objects, a partial level, containing the objects of one activity domain, and the particular level, containing the objects of one specific enterprise. The main innovation of this study is the inductive aspect of the modeling method that allows to explicit implicit needs, and the specialization of the generic model that proposes an enterprise specific model with the guarantee of interoperability. The application of this methodology through an information system that supports our approach has been tested on different use cases.Ce travail s‟intĂ©resse Ă  la gestion d‟informations techniques sur l‟ensemble du cycle de vie du produit et Ă  travers l‟ensemble de l‟entreprise Ă©tendue. Il a pour champ d‟application le domaine des systĂšmes d‟informations supports au PLM dans les PME mĂ©caniciennes. L‟objectif est de faciliter la mise en Ɠuvre de systĂšme PLM par l‟apport d‟une part d‟une mĂ©thode de modĂ©lisation et d‟autre part d‟un cadre de modĂ©lisation. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en place une mĂ©thode inductive de modĂ©lisation d‟entreprise basĂ©e sur les besoins. Cette mĂ©thode prend en compte les besoins de l‟entreprise, les processus Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre pour rĂ©aliser ces besoins et le modĂšle de donnĂ©es Ă  implĂ©menter. Elle a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e dans trois entreprises pilotes correspondant Ă  trois domaines distincts de l‟industrie mĂ©canique chez les PME. Un cadre de modĂ©lisation a Ă©tĂ© conçu pour faciliter la mise en Ɠuvre de cette mĂ©thode. Il inclut une carte des besoins PLM, un modĂšle de processus de dĂ©veloppement produit et un modĂšle de donnĂ©es gĂ©nĂ©rique. Chacun de ces livrables a trois niveaux de gĂ©nĂ©ricitĂ© distincts : un niveau gĂ©nĂ©rique, englobant tous les objets d‟entreprise, un niveau partiel, regroupant les objets d‟un domaine d‟activitĂ© donnĂ©, et le niveau particulier, contenant les objets spĂ©cifiques Ă  une entreprise particuliĂšre. L‟apport principal de cette Ă©tude rĂ©side dans l‟aspect inductif de la mĂ©thode de modĂ©lisation qui permet d‟expliciter les besoins implicites, et le cadre de modĂ©lisation proposant une spĂ©cialisation poussĂ©e du modĂšle de donnĂ©es, tout en en garantissant l‟interopĂ©rabilitĂ©. L‟application de cette mĂ©thodologie au travers d‟un systĂšme d‟informations supportant notre approche a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents cas dâ€ŸĂ©tudes
